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Bridal bouquets $175-$350


Bridesmaid bouquet $85--$120


Silk ribbon treatment for bouquets $10


Boutonnieres $25--$35


Corsages wrists $35


Flower Crown $65-$100


Flower girl crowns $65


Hair Flowers $15


Petite posy centerpiece $20


Centerpiece $75-$275


Garnlands starting at $10 per foot


Cake flowers $30 (small bucket of loose flowers to decorate cake)


Additional Bucket of Blooms $85 for 60-80 stems


Please note pricing is subject to change.  These are general guidelines, depending on product, size, needs and wants of individual brides.


Delivery available for $150 or 10% of the total order (whichever is greater) within Whatcom county.  



8851 Custer School Rd, Custer, WA 98240

    Tel: 360-389-7313

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